Meet the Maker
Class Booking
The Atlas- Stainless steel with map micarta handle
Forged in Kol Pizza Cutter with skateboard deck handle
2 Finger skull necklace
North country Hunter Drop Point -Natural micarta and Orange
Handforged Copper Rose Sculpture
Handforged Copper Rose Sculpture #3
Handforged Copper Rose Sculpture #2
Handforged Copper Rose Sculpture #1
Damascus Hunter with sheat- sculpted Micarta and resin
Damascus Hunter with sheat- Stacked Skateboard deck and curly maple
Damascus Hunter with sheath- Mammoth Ivory and Water Buffalo
Traditional drop point with Antler and blue and green micarta
Traditional drop point with Antler and blue and green spacer
Traditional drop point with deer jaw
Traditional drop point with Antler and Red spacer
Butcher knife- Mexican Blanket micarta
Forged file blacksmith knife 3.5” blade
Forged file blacksmith knife
Butcher knife- Starynight micarta
Butcher knife- Taqueria sunrise micarta